

Thanks to the help of a buddy of mine over at Wizkid Sound, the website is now live!  You can find it at  It is kinda a work in progress, but for the first website I've ever done I'm relatively pleased with the results so far.  I will be making tweaks to it in the coming weeks starting with optimizing the resolution of the pics for the web.  Any feedback about the site would be greatly appreciated, shoot me an email at  Cheers and have  a great weekend!

Website Work and the Beauty of Galleria

Desk So this holiday weekend I hit the books/computers hard and decided it was actually time to get to work on a website....something I've been putting off for about the past, oh, 11 months.  I guess I was somewhat intimidated regarding diving into html but after sucking it up I've got something I'm relatively happy with so far.  It needs some tweaks/optimization but hopefully I'll be able to put a version of the website live at in the next week.  One thing I wanted to discuss and laud so far is the Galleria Photo Gallery.  This is an open source javascript photo gallery that can be found here:  It’s a nice, clean, photo viewer that I was able to have up and running on my site in minutes.  I’m new at all this web design stuff, sooooo the fact that I could have it up and running relatively headache free so quickly is awesome.  Apparently it is highly customizable too.  Oh, did I mention it’s free??  Anyway, if you’re looking for a photo gallery for your site, certainly check it out.  Based on my understanding of javascript on iOS devices, it won’t properly view on the iPad and iPhone, but for me this isn’t a huge deal.  I think when javascript it disable it just shows the pics in a list without the viewer GUI, which is fine by me.  No clue how it would look on Android and Web OS devices, maybe I’ll look into that eventually.  Anyway, a lot of progress was made on the site today and hopefully a version will be live in the next week.  Til then, hope you all had a great holiday weekend, cheers!